About Me

Hello! Welcome Honeymeetsmatcha, my wellness, health and cooking blog! My name is Ahaana! I am from Vienna, Virginia which is just about a twenty-minute drive from Washington D.C. I am currently a junior in high school who loves playing tennis, working out, cooking, reading classic novels, watching historical films and T.V. shows, exploring and traveling to new places and trying new foods! Just shortly after I was born my family moved from Minnesota to Japan. While living in Japan and even after we moved back to the United States my family traveled a lot because of my parent’s jobs. From a young age I was trying new foods and would eat whatever my parents were eating. This really sculpted my love for cooking, especially foods from a variety of different cultures. 

When I was younger, I was always active! I pretty much played any sport I could because I loved being outside and exercising. Despite loving to work out and be active I have always struggled with my weight. When I was younger, I never really thought much about it but as I got into middle school, I struggled understanding why I was built so differently from other girls my age. Unfortunately, this created a pretty troublesome relationship with food for me. Food turned into one of my worst nightmares and I fell into an endless cycle of not wanting to eat but then somedays eating to the point where I felt sick. During this terrible cycle I gained even more weight, felt tired all the time and had high cholesterol levels. I wanted to make a change. Sure, I wanted to lose weight but most importantly I wanted to feel strong and healthy. 

For the past year and a half, I have been following an intuitive eating lifestyle. It has enabled me to eat healthy and nutritious foods while still eating my favorite foods without feeling guilty. My relationship with food has been something that is quite difficult to talk about, but through this blog I hope to help and inspire anyone who might be going through what I experienced in the past. By just listening to my body I have gained energy, strength, lost 45 pounds but most importantly improved my overall health while still enjoying life. Even though I still have days where I am tempted to fall back into old patterns, I remember how much happier and healthier I am now! 

I hope my recipes, blog posts and stories will bring you joy and help those in need of some support. Enjoy exploring my blog and don’t be afraid to leave me a message under the contact tab! 

See you soon!
